


A Sustainable Mobility Action Plan is under development for the Limassol region, that will satisfy the mobility needs of residents and tourists for a better quality of life.

Under the CIVITAS Destinations Project the Limassol Tourism Company will support the development of SUMP by introducing integrated and innovative actions, with the implementation of mobility measures, looking to encourage cycling, walking, the use of public transport and electromobility. At the same time LTC participates in the Ministry of Transport Committee for the development of the Limassol SUMP, which is aiming to serve as the basis for strategic development of a sustainable transport network and mobility patterns.

Under these measures, Limassol will be an accessible, safe, functional and friendly city for residents and visitors, with attractive, green and quiet neighbourhoods, a lively city centre, numerous spacious and magnificent open public spaces, a beacon of sustainable and smart mobility, facilitating and abundance of economic, business, educational, recreational and cultural opportunities.

The process of developing and implementing the SUMP of Limassol started at determining the potential for a successful SUMP in the region. The development process and scope of the plan were defined, and the mobility situation and different scenarios were analysed. Through research a common vision was determined as described above. At this point priorities and measurable targets are discussed, as well as effective packages of measures. When the SUMP is finalised, responsibilities and budgets will be agreed and allocated, and systems will be built for monitoring and assessing the plan. The development of the project is based on the general planning principles defined by ELTIS process, focusing on three main aspects: cooperation, participation and evaluation.